Education Teacher Training Programs

The finest Pilates education for your future career.

Linear in its structure while in-depth in contents, CovaTech® Teacher Training Programs unite the scientific accuracy of the fundamentals to the complete adaptability of its teaching method.

Since the first introductory step till the Continuing Education programs, CovaTech® educational offering covers all the possibilities for those who want to build for themselves a solid career in Pilates.

Prerequisites and enrollment.

Overall, CovaTech® Teacher Training Programs are addressed to whomever has a specific qualification in the field of movement science, fitness or dance such as a degree in Physiotherapy or Sports Science, ISEF Diploma, Massage Therapy, Professional Dancer or Dance Teacher diploma recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education and University.

The applicants in possess of one of those or equivalent qualifications may access to the Full Immersion Course.

Nevertheless, our Courses can be opened, at the discretion of the CovaTech® Educational Team, to those candidates who had an experience in Pilates, fitness or dance, regardless their qualifications.

Those candidates, to integrate their resumés and to complete the training program, will necessarily have to attend the Course of Elements of Anatomy held by CovaTech® Pilates® School, and to sustain, after the course, a functional anatomy test. The attendance, the preparation to the Test and the satisfactory completion of it can be handled in parallel to the Full Immersion Course, keeping in mind that the Test completion is a necessary condition to access the Final Exam in order to obtain CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher certification.

Our Courses

Discover the first step to become the most qualified Pilates Teacher

The Introductory Course is the very first step of CovaTech® Training Programs. It is a course of 7 hours length, which takes place during a full day at the Studio CovaTech® Pilates®

Held by Anna Maria Cova and the CovaTech® Educational Team, the course allows to experience a full day of immersion into the CovaTech® Method which is illustrated in a theoretical and practical synthesis.

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Build your career as Pilates Teacher with the CovaTech® Full Immersion Course

It is our most coveted and complete course, the only one which allows you to obtain the qualification of CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher and the certificate to teach Pilates according to the CovaTech® Pilates® Method. Being the crown jewel of the CovaTech® Pilates® Education Programs, the course is inspired to the guidelines of the P.M.A. the international association which regulates the qualitative standards for Pilates Teachers, which CovaTech® Pilates ®School has been Corporate Sponsor of, and it is compliant to the guidelines of A.P.P.I (Associazione Professionisti Pilates in Italia)

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The best teacher is an eternal student

The Continuing Education is the annual program which supports the CovaTech® Pilates® Teachers along the developing of their career in Pilates and allows maintaining the required standards for teaching the CovaTech® Method.

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The CovaTech® training program dedicated to those who have another Pilates Certification.

CovaTech® Pilates® Bridge Program allows those Pilates Teachers who completed a comprehensive education program at other Schools, in Italy or abroad, to be able to learn the CovaTech® Method and acquire the CovaTech® Pilates® certificate.

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