
A very special event for CovaTech® 30th Anniversary.

A very special event for CovaTech® 30th Anniversary.

CovaTech® 2019 Corso di Aggiornamento (Refresher Course) - to celebrate the 30th anniversary from the foundation of Studio CovaTech® Pilates® (1989-2019) - will be a special event in the panorama of Italian Pilates. 

The conference theme will be " The psoas, the neck and the core. Knowing and working with the basic muscles for our balance."

Anna Maria Cova and the whole CovaTech® Pilates® School will host Madeline Black, international Master Teacher and leading figure in the education to the movement.

Madeline Black is P.M.A. Certified Pilates Teacher, A.C.E., member of the American College of Sports Medicine and  Hendrickson's Method certified.

Also known as "The Teachers' teacher" , Madeline Black is considered the unifier of science of movement, osteopathy, physical therapy, Yoga and Gyrotonic©, creating a multidisciplinary approach to Pilates teaching.  

Her contribution to the 2019 Corso di Aggiornamento is the result of the professional encounter with Anna Maria Cova who is also curator of the Italiane edition of Madeline Black International bestseller "Centered".

A very special event for CovaTech® 30th Anniversary.

Madeline and Anna worked on a theme which combines a double in-deep analysis: the one on ileo-psoas muscle and the one on neck muscles.  Two areas of crucial importance for the body balance and for the correct execution of Pilates technique. 

Based on that premise, the event will be articulated in two workshops which encompasses both theory and practice:

  • - "The psoas as a core muscle", 
  • - "Eliminate neck stress in Pilates".

The 2019 Corso di Aggiornamento will be an educational experience of the highest caliber in order to establish the value of excellence in research, practice and teaching which is, since 30 years, at the very foundation of the CovaTech® Pilates® philosophy and method. 

To the heart of Pilates with Ilaria Cavagna

To the heart of Pilates with Ilaria Cavagna

We are happy to announce that 2024 Corso di Aggiornamento (refresher course) will have Ilaria Cavagna as Guest presenter!

CovaTech® Introductory Course

CovaTech® Introductory Course

If you want to make Pilates your profession, you need the most complete training program which will allow you to work at 360° with safety and confidence.

Come discover the first step of CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher Training Program:  a full day of immersion in the method which will transform you in the best teacher possible. 

The last places are available for the upcoming session of September 21st 2023.
