Education Testimonials

Why choose CovaTech® Pilates®: let our Teachers speak.

Since 1996, we certified more that 700 CovaTech® Pilates® Teachers and, since then, we've never stopped developing and up-dating our teaching method in order to train the highest caliber teachers.

Our philosophy is rooted in teaching excellence but also in the constant dialogue with our Students and Teachers: understanding their needs, gather their demands and helping them to be always at the forefront of their profession. It's an ever-ending challenge - professional and human - that we make our own every day with passion, dedication and commitment and that we try to pass to each and every one of our CovaTech® Pilates® Teachers.

Here's what they tell about their experience.


CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2007,
owner of Studio Movimento Pilates

After the ISEF degree, I had one and only objective: to be helpful to other people. I started teaching in fitness centers but "mass" classes did not make me feel satisfied. My research led me to Pilates and particularly to CovaTech®, a School which inspired me with great confidence, also considering the pre-requisites necessary to attend it.

The training path was very challenging but, the more committed I became, the more aware I was to have made the right choice: Anna Maria Cova...

The training path was very challenging but, the more committed I became, the more aware I was to have made the right choice: Anna Maria Cova, Silvana Lucca and the people they collaborate with to help them with their work have always showed great professionalism in managing their Training School and those values passed on to any of us.

Now, I've been working in Pilates for the past 12 years, we work with passion, providing people with wellness results which I never stops being in awe and gratified with. Thank you to people like Anna Maria and Silvana, who continue to evolve and make their Teachers competence and quality always grow.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2014,
owner of Studio Shangri-La Pilates
(Francavilla Fontana, Brindisi)

CovaTech® is the best choice that any Teacher should make to have the right instruments to manage a Pilates Studio.

After my degree in Sports Science and various masters, I worked with physical therapists and osteopathists who talked me about Pilates. So, I started attending various courses which gave me just the mechanic knowledge of some exercises but never the real essence of Pilates. I felt "incomplete".

Then, I met Anna and her Team and I understood that this was going to be my path.

CovaTech® is continuing education, hours of training and skills which go beyond the books because Anna is a support, a constant and tireless presence for all us Teachers.

One year after the certification, I won the bet to open one of the few Pilates Studio in the South of Italy.

It is a challenge that I share every day with my Clients and with Anna who keeps the highest education standards: not only exercises but a valuable method in which she put innovation and the latest scientific know-how making it unique. Thank you, Anna.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2002, owner of Studio Pilates & Postural benessere diffuso.
(San Polo di Torrile, Parma)

Meeting Anna Maria Cova has literally changed my professional life: it was love at first sight, both for Pilates technique and for the CovaTech® method.
It was 1999, I was at the Body & Mind Convention, in Riccione, my professional life, at the time, was parted between fitness on one side and corrective gym on the other. I wished to find a point of contact between the two activities: the amusing part of the first with the postural and body awareness' side of the second.

Meeting Anna Maria Cova has literally changed my professional life: it was love at first sight, both for Pilates technique and for the CovaTech® method.
It was 1999, I was at the Body & Mind Convention, in Riccione, my professional life, at the time, was parted between fitness on one side and corrective gym on the other. I wished to find a point of contact between the two activities: the amusing part of the first with the postural and body awareness' side of the second.

Anna's class was unbelievable because, in just one hour, she got my point and found the perfect mix between the two activities. An entire world revealed to me, a light shined on me. As soon as I was back from Riccione, I instantly called Milan and, from 2000, my training began, first with the Introductory Course then with a summer Full Immersion Course of great dedication and study. After my certification in 2002, I dedicated myself exclusively to raise awareness of Pilates in Parma, my city, where at that time, nobody has ever heard about the technique. I founded "Pilates & Postural benessere diffuso" and, from the past five years, I am so very happy to run my business in the city where I live and teach.

The path I took with Anna enriched me both professionally and personally: it allows a complete preparation because it does not break the technique, as many other schools do, in separated modules which make you lose the wholeness of the discipline, you study everything, from matwork to small props and big apparatus, without neglecting the initial assessment of Client and the special cases. Anna gave me roots to create and consolidate my technique and my profession, but also a lot of freedom to be able to express them and, for that, I'll never thank her enough.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2016,
owner of Studio Frau Pilates
(Selargius, Cagliari)

I decided to approach Pilates with the aim of enriching the training program for the students of the Dance School I direct. Actually, since I was very young, I've always been attracted to the diffusion of Pilates in the XX century dance theater and from the fact that Pilates Teachers of first generation were professional dancers. Basically, I was looking for a Pilates method which could be functional to the development of my potential in the dance field...

I decided to approach Pilates with the aim of enriching the training program for the students of the Dance School I direct. Actually, since I was very young, I've always been attracted to the diffusion of Pilates in the XX century dance theater and from the fact that Pilates Teachers of first generation were professional dancers. Basically, I was looking for a Pilates method which could be functional to the development of my potential in the dance field. For that reason, I definitely did not meet Anna Maria Cova by chance... indeed, I decided to meet her! I chose CovaTech® Method because it has the original technique as a foundation but it is also characterized by a synergic approach: the body does not bend to the technique but the technique is adapted to the person morphology, to his need and possible pathologies.
This principle has always been essential to me because my dance teaching method is founded on the respect of the body and of the learning curve of any student. I can say that I chose Anna Maria Cova as I chose my most important dance teachers and, thanks to her, I was able to develop my potential in Pilates field: if in the art of dance teaching I've always worked by "constructing" the movement, in teaching Pilates I fine-tuned a sort of "de-construction/construction". Last but not least, I'm proud to direct the only Pilates Studio in Sardinia which follows the CovaTech® method.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher
since 2011, owner of Studio Clo Pilates

I discovered Pilates 15 years ago, since the beginning, I've felt it "mine", akin to my way of being: a deep and effective work on my body, based on respiration and control. So, I decided to become a teacher and make Pilates part of my life even if, at that time, I couldn't imagine it would have embraced it completely.

But, which training program to attend to?

I discovered Pilates 15 years ago, since the beginning, I've felt it "mine", akin to my way of being: a deep and effective work on my body, based on respiration and control. So, I decided to become a teacher and make Pilates part of my life even if, at that time, I couldn't imagine it would have embraced it completely.

But, which training program to attend to? Among many options, CovaTech® Pilates® method seemed the better to me: first, for the preparation and great experience of Anna Maria Cova, then, because of the structure of the Full Immersion Course: intense and in-deep theory session, a long period of internship at the side of the Trainers, whom I found all excellent.

At the end of the training program, I knew I had a very powerful instrument in my hands and, teaching Pilates according to the CovaTech® method, I completely understood its potential in the rehabilitation field.

After that, I decided to apply for the Bachelor Degree in Pysical Therapy and, today, the CovaTech® Pilates Method is one of my main instruments in my job as a physical therapist.

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Eleonora Greco

CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher
since 2011, co-owner of Studio Dael

I'm a former professional athlete with an ISEF degree, when I had to "grow up", I had to decide which professional path to follow. Pilates technique made me curious because it is a complete discipline which goes well with my idea of taking care of our own body.

I chose CovaTech® Pilates® method because it blends the pure and simple practice and allows me to work with people with postural problems.

I chose CovaTech® Pilates® method because it blends the pure and simple practice and allows me to work with people with postural problems. The fact that Anna Maria Cova is also a physical therapist, indeed, made me pick her. And I'll never stop thanking her for everything she gave me and still gives me... If I am so lucky to have a job which I adore it also because of her... and you get up more serene in the morning when you go to the Studio to do a job you love.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2006,
owner of Studio Aires

I was studying to be a professional dancer when I met Anna Maria Cova. I instantly became fond of the technique and Anna's way of teaching, creative and precise at the same time. We understood each other on the fly.

I remember that I persuaded many of my colleagues and even my husband and some friends to try Pilates with her...

I remember that I persuaded many of my colleagues and even my husband and some friends to try Pilates with her, it was something brand new at the time. The meeting with Anna was fundamental in my life because after introducing me into the magic world of Pilates, he pushed me to focus on the recover of my injured knee dedicating herself to me for hours and hours, encouraging me to even resume some dance lessons when I was still worried about it.

Anna Maria Cova taught me the craft: in 2006 I realized my dream becoming CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher and, since 2009, I run successfully my own "Studio Pilates Aires" in Imperia.

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CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher
since 2011, owner of Studio Punto Pilates
(Buccinasco, Milano).

CovaTech® Pilates® School was one of my luckiest decision: ten years ago, I was looking for a thorough professional training in Pilates and the internet displayed various options. I moved toward CovaTech® for the comprehensiveness of the Program and the proximity of the School to my city.

In hindsight, I understood that my luck is to have chosen a School which really teaches how "to teach"...

In hindsight, I understood that my luck is to have chosen a School which really teaches how “to teach” as well as perfectly preparing yourself from a technical standpoint. This is the truly strong point of CovaTech®.

If you wish to pursue a professional training in Pilates, I recommend CovaTech® because it allows you to get at the end of the program with a complete knowledge both on apparatus and mat work and, a not-insignificant aspect is that you also study anatomy, avoiding fragmentations as the modules and being at the side of the Teachers also after the certification. Anna is a wonderful person who never stops wanting to learn, know and share her experience, studying with her is a constant source of inspiration and growth and I’m grateful every single day to have picked her.

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Paolo Storchi

CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher since 2011,
owner of Studio Pilates 82

When in 2004, I decided to attend a Pilates training there already were many Training Schools in Italy. After an attentive screening of the different training programs, even considering that, for me, it would have been more convenient to attend a course in Rome, I decided anyway to go studying at CovaTech® Pilates®, in Milan. The School gave me the immediate impression to be the most complete in terms of teaching and professional standards.

After more than 15 years in the business, I am more and more persuaded I took the best decision. Comparing us to some of our colleagues who studied in different schools and relating to Client coming from other Studios, we have always been recognized for our competence in the application of the teaching method and the promptness in identifying Clients' needs.

Thanks to the CovaTech® Continuing Education programs, we have also always had the chance to succeed even with "delicate" Clients: from senior people problems to pregnant women, from teenagers to athletes, from scoliosis to different injuries, till the most complex and critical pathologies such as Parkinson or Marfan syndrome.

All of that has been enhanced by the continuous support of the CovaTech® Pilates® School, either for teaching advise or for the commitment in increasing awareness on the CovaTech® brand which means the highest professionalism of its Teachers.

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