Education CovaTech®
Pilates® School

CovaTech® Pilates® School: the excellence in Pilates education in Italy.

CovaTech® Pilates® School is the very first Training School for Pilates Teachers ever born in Italy.
Founded in 1996 by Anna Maria Cova, Pilates' pioneer since 1989, the School soon establishes itself as the Italian point of reference for Pilates education and, through the years, it grows in prestige and international renown.
Today, CovaTech® Pilates® School is Corporate Sponsor of Pilates Method Alliance (P.M.A.) the international association of Pilates Teachers which regulates the professional standards for Pilates Teaching.

CovaTech® philosphy

An educational approach inspired by values
of professional excellence and work ethics.

CovaTech® Pilates® School is founded on the values of excellence in quality and professional ethics.
A CovaTech® Teacher does not just mechanically learn a corpus of exercises to be applied on this or that apparatus, but acquires a modus operandi which is grounded in the comprehension of the original meaning of the discipline and of the functional anatomy and biomechanics which demonstrate its efficacy.
With that approach in mind, any CovaTech® Teacher utilizes Pilates technique to adjust the teaching objectives based on the individual features of each Client.
The person who practices Pilates is at the very center of the whole CovaTech® philosophy: for that reason, great emphasis is given to the Initial Preparation of Clients. We analyze the posture, the walking, the clinic history, the previous experience in the discipline of movement and we agree with them the objectives of the teaching program. Based on that, a CovaTech® Pilates® teacher is able to design a customized program shaped after the age, the physical or athletic condition and the needs of each single Client, accompanying him or her in a learning process of increasing goals which can be developed through private classes or in small groups of maximum four people.
CovaTech® Pilates® Method considers Pilates as a whole in which the objective of a class can be modulated each time on different equipment, on the same apparatus but with different props, on the mat or as a mix of the previously mentioned combinations.

The uniqueness of being a CovaTech®
Pilates® Teacher

The School's Mission has been, since the beginning, to shape the most qualified and complete teachers, able to master Pilates technique in each single aspect and in every implication of it and to teach it at three sixty degrees, either on mat or on big and small apparatus, at base, medium and advanced level.
A CovaTech® Teacher is educated not only to be a strong expert of the discipline but also to carry out at best his didactic role: to be able to teach everyone how to work out with Pilates, safely.
This versatility goes hand in hand with a rigorous professional ethics in the tradition of Joseph H. Pilates: this is an essential condition for whoever wants to approach Pilates teaching according to CovaTech® Method.
In a fitness industry which is more and more cluttered with educational programs and proposals, to be a CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher means, today more than ever, an assurance of quality, competence and reliability.

CovaTech® educational team

Anna Maria Cova

Founder and Managing Director of CovaTech® Pilates® School, is the Chief of CovaTech® Educational Team, she sets the teaching programs and guidelines carrying on a continuous work of research and fine tuning of her methodology which is enriched, every year, of new upgrading and developments.

Alessandra Moriggi

is CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher Trainer Senior, she guides the Students during the learning process of the technique and during the period called "Pratica", that is to say the internship which is necessary to obtain the CovaTech® certification.

CovaTech® Educational Team avails itself, for the Continuing Education programs, stage and workshops, of the contribution of University Professors, Physiatrists, Osteopathists, Kinesiologists and researchers in the Discipline of Movement, in a of continuous professional effort and in a multidisciplinary perspective.